When the time to find myself a house arise, some demands must be fulfilled.
My house:
- has to be on a quiet neighborhood even though it mus also be close to a big and boiling city;
- has to be on the last floor, 'cause I don't like to hear the high-heels of the lady living above me at 4 am;
- must have a balcony;
- also, it must be soaked by the sun the entire noon, without the possibility of having new blocks blocking it;
- the kitchen has to be able to enclose a small couch and a TV set with playstation beside the usual table and it's chairs;
- the bathroom must have a natural light entrance (aka, a window).
More could be add to this list, but then I might find that no house can meet it... got to keep my dreams feasible.
Palestra no Clube de Oficiais da Marinha Mercante
Há 5 semanas
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