I discovered Tool recently, only a few months ago, but the complexity of the music and the richness of the lyrics made me already an unconditional fan. Every time I listen carefully to their songs, I discover new passages or new riffles, uncommon these days. Those ain't, in fact, songs for the masses but for a refined group of listeners.
This one particular is a song which nearly sings my life... partially, since he got the one he loves and I'm still feasting like a sultan.
here from the king's mountain view
here from the wild dream come true
feast like a sultan i do
on treasures and flesh never few
but i... i would
wish it... all away
if I... thought i'd
lose you just one day
the devil and his had me down
in love with the dark side i'd found
dabblin' all the way down
up to my neck soon to drown
but you changed that all for me
lifted me up turned me round
so i
i would, i would, i would
wish this all away
live like a martyr dusk to dawn
beg like a hooker all night long
tempted the devil with my song
and got what I wanted all along
but i, i would, if i could, i would
wish it away, wish it away
wish it all away
wanna wish it all away
no price you could hold sway
or just to find my, kneeling away my, center
so if i could i would wish it all away
if i thought tomorrow would take you away
you my piece of my mind, my own, my center
just trying to hold on... one more day
damn my eyes
damn my eyes
damn my eyes if they should
compromise our fulcrum
or what you need
if i believed it
i might as well be gone
shine on forever
shine on benevolent son
shine on upon the broken
shine on until the two become one
shine on forever
shine on benevolent son
shine on upon the severed
shine on until the two become one
divided and we will wither away
divided and we will wither away
shine on upon the many
light a way benevolent son
Palestra no Clube de Oficiais da Marinha Mercante
Há 5 semanas
2 comentários:
Uau!!! Sr Estagiário prestes a deixar de o ser...
Muitos parabéns pela conquista desse sonho... A vida é de facto uma guerra e cada batalha ganha um passo em frente no caminho da vitória...
Espero que esta seja mais uma de muitas batalhas que ganharás ao longo da vida!!!!
Boa sorte nessa que me parece ser uma aventura fantástica... e cá te espero em Fevereiro (eu sei que é muito cedo, mas Feliz Natal, Boas Entradas em 2011 e, sendo as probabilidades de 50/50, Feliz Aniversário...)
Deusa (poxa, quase que escrevia o meu nome de mortal aqui... oopsss!!)
Bem... Muitos Muitos muitos parabéns! São 24, é?
Quem me dera nessa idade... eheh
Espero que passes um dia magnífico!!!
Como estão a correr os preparativos para a viagem?
Bem, com o aniversário fora do caminho resta reforçar os desejos de Feliz Natal, boas entradas em 2011, bom Carnaval e... LOL
Just kidding!!!
Beijos e tem um dia muito feliz!!
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