sábado, 13 de março de 2010


Don't judge people by their look.

Sometimes, those who introduce themselves as wonderful peoples aren't; but the opposite is also true, even though not as usual as desirable.

Been hanging around with unworthy people. People who introduced something they're not... people who left nothing but diffused memories, regret and disappointment.

Once in a while, the answer is literally around the corner. 

There ain't a music to follow today's entry. Can't remember one that might fit the profile. 

1 comentário:

Ricardo Figueiredo, disse...

Losing the star without a sky
Losing the reasons why
You're losing the calling that you've been faking
And I'm not kidding

It's damned if you don't and it's damned if you do
Be true 'cause they'll lock you up in a sad sad zoo
Oh hidy hidy hidy what do you trying to prove
By hidy hidy hiding you're not worth a thing